Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Journal policies on authorship and contributorship

Authorship credit should be determined based on any or all of the following criteria:

  1. Substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data: Authors should have actively contributed to the conception and design of the research, the acquisition of data, or the analysis and interpretation of data. This may include designing the study, conducting experiments, collecting and analyzing data, or providing substantial intellectual input in interpreting the results.
  2. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content: Authors should have participated in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content. This involves contributing significantly to the writing, reviewing, and editing of the article, ensuring its accuracy, scientific rigor, and overall clarity.
  3. Final approval of the version to be published: All authors should have given their final approval of the version of the article to be published. This implies that each author has reviewed the manuscript, is in agreement with the content and conclusions, and takes responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.

The order of authorship should be based on the relative contributions of the individuals involved in the research project. This should be determined through open and transparent discussions among the authors, taking into account the significance and magnitude of each person's contributions. It is recommended to clearly indicate the role of each author to provide transparency and ensure appropriate credit is given.

Any changes to authorship after the initial submission or acceptance of the manuscript should be agreed upon by all authors. It is important to maintain integrity and avoid any undue addition or removal of authors.

The journal encourages authors to adhere to these policies on authorship and contributorship to ensure fairness, transparency, and appropriate credit for individuals involved in the research process. This elaboration is based on COPE's principle of Authorship and contributorship.

Contributor Role

  1. Conceptualization: This role involves the generation and development of ideas, as well as the formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and aims. Contributors in this role actively contribute to the conceptual design of the study, shaping its research questions and objectives.
  2. Data Curation: Contributors in this role are responsible for managing activities related to data annotation, producing metadata, and ensuring the cleanliness and organization of research data for both initial use and potential future re-use. They play a vital role in maintaining the integrity and accessibility of the data throughout the research process.
  3. Formal Analysis: Contributors in this role apply statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data. They employ rigorous methodologies to extract meaningful insights and draw valid conclusions from the collected data, contributing to the scientific rigor of the research.
  4. Funding Acquisition: Contributors in this role are responsible for acquiring the necessary financial resources to support the research project. They actively seek funding opportunities, develop grant proposals, and secure funding to ensure the successful execution of the study.
  5. Investigation: Contributors in this role are actively involved in the research investigation. They conduct experiments, gather data, perform observations, or engage in other activities essential for the acquisition of research information.
  6. Methodology: Contributors in this role are responsible for designing and developing the research methodology. They establish the procedures, protocols, and techniques to be employed in the study, ensuring a systematic and rigorous approach.
  7. Project Administration: Contributors in this role oversee and manage the administrative aspects of the research project. They coordinate team members, facilitate communication, ensure compliance with ethical guidelines, and handle logistical matters to ensure the smooth progress of the study.
  8. Supervision: Contributors in this role provide guidance, mentorship, and oversight to other members involved in the research project. They offer expertise, advice, and support to ensure the effective execution of the study and the development of team members.
  9. Validation: Contributors in this role are responsible for the validation of research findings and results. They critically review and assess the accuracy, reliability, and validity of the data and analyses, ensuring the integrity of the research outcomes.
  10. Visualization: Contributors in this role are involved in the creation and presentation of visual representations of research data, such as graphs, charts, or diagrams. They use appropriate visualization techniques to enhance understanding and interpretation of the findings.
  11. Writing – Original Draft Preparation: Contributors in this role are involved in the initial writing of the manuscript. They contribute to the creation of the first draft, organizing and structuring the content based on the research objectives and findings.
  12. Writing – Review & Editing: Contributors in this role participate in the review and editing process of the manuscript. They provide critical feedback, make revisions, and ensure the clarity, coherence, and quality of the written work.

These contributor roles represent various aspects of the research process and highlight the diverse skills and expertise required for a successful study. It is important to acknowledge and recognize the contributions of individuals fulfilling these roles, as they collectively contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

How will the journal handle complaints and appeals?

FORPIT is committed to maintaining a fair and transparent process for handling complaints and appeals. We recognize that concerns or disagreements may arise regarding published articles, editorial decisions, or other aspects of the journal's operations. We aim to address these issues promptly, thoroughly, and with the utmost professionalism.

Complaints : 

If an individual has a complaint related to a published article, they are encouraged to submit their concerns to the journal's editorial office. Complaints should be submitted in writing and should include detailed information regarding the nature of the complaint, the article in question, and any supporting evidence or documentation.

Upon receipt of a complaint, the journal will initiate an investigation. The investigation may involve consulting the relevant parties, including the authors, reviewers, and editors, and examining the available evidence. We will handle complaints in a confidential manner, ensuring the privacy of all individuals involved.

The journal will strive to resolve complaints as efficiently as possible. Once the investigation is complete, the complainant will be informed of the outcome and any actions taken as a result. If necessary, corrections, retractions, or other appropriate measures will be implemented to address the concerns raised.

Appeals :

In the event that an author disagrees with an editorial decision, they have the right to submit an appeal to the journal. Appeals should be submitted in writing, clearly outlining the reasons for the disagreement and providing any supporting arguments or evidence.

The appeal will be carefully reviewed by the journal's editorial team. This may involve consulting additional reviewers or experts to obtain independent assessments. The appeal process will be fair, impartial, and unbiased.

Once the appeal is reviewed, the journal will communicate the decision to the author, along with a detailed explanation. If the appeal is successful, the journal will reconsider the original decision, taking into account the new information provided. However, it is important to note that the original decision may still stand if it is deemed appropriate based on the available evidence and expert opinion.