Pengolahan Sampah Plastik Menggunakan Alat Pemotong Ring Cincin Gelas Plastik Di Bank Sampah Navoe Kelurahan Taipa

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Mustafa Mustafa
Muhammad Syaiful Fadly
Anjar Asmara
Muhammad Rismanto
Achmad Fadholy
Asdar Asdar


In everyday life, people are never separated from the use of plastic which makes people's lives easier and more practical. The use of plastic has penetrated almost all aspects of people's lives. Various equipment products are produced from this material, because it is considered more durable, not easily broken, flexible and light. Meanwhile, on the other hand, plastic also has a negative impact on the environment. In the Taipa sub-district, Palu City, there is the Navoe Waste Bank which processes various types of plastic waste, especially separating or cutting plastic cup rings. However, the cutting process is still carried out using manual methods which affects the safety of the workers. Cutting plastic cup rings is still done using scissors or a cutter. Drink ring cup waste is usually sold directly by collectors or done manually by throwing away waste ring cup waste so that the selling price is higher. The job of throwing away the ring requires a lot of time and effort so that the selling price of the waste is higher.

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